AVMA Partnership

In November 2011, the National Sea Grant Office signed a memorandum of understanding with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to develop a joint outreach and educational campaign for veterinary clients regarding proper pharmaceutical disposal. In the years since, AVMA and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant have been strong partners in their efforts to educate veterinary professionals about this issue.

AVMA Partnership

A happy dog and a kid laying next to each other in the grass.

Pet Owners

Properly using, storing, and disposing of human and veterinary medicine at home can protect your family, pets, and the environment. Prevent harm by using medicine as directed, storing it correctly, and finding a takeback program to dispose of medicine properly.

Pet Owners

A veterinarian using a stethoscope on a cow in a field

Livestock Farmers

Proper storage and disposal of veterinary medicines on farms of all sizes can protect your family, pets, livestock, and the environment. Protect them by managing livestock waste and properly use and dispose of veterinary medications used on small farms.

Livestock Farmers